Prayers to Saint Anthony

When you are in danger, you have lost something, you are in need or you face difficulties in your life…approach the Saint of miracles and recite his responsorial once or many times:
If then you ask for miracles,
death, error, all calamities,
leprosy and demons fly,
and health succeeds infirmities.
The sea obeys and fetters break,
and lifeless limbs you do restore;
while treasures lost are found again,
men young and old your aid implore.
All dangers vanish at your prayer,
and direst need does quickly flee;
Let those who know your power proclaim,
Let Paduans say: these are yours.
The sea obeys and fetters break,
and lifeless limbs you do restore;
while treasures lost are found again,
men young and old your aid implore.
To Father, Son may glory be
And Holy Spirit, eternally.
The sea obeys and fetters break,
and lifeless limbs you do restore;
while treasures lost are found again,
men young and old your aid implore.
Or you can pray:
If miracles you desire,
Watch the devil flee,
Along with all temptation
Beseech St. Anthony.
Recover what is lost,
Break the captive free,
Calm and gentle waters,
Replace calamity.
Human ills and woes,
Reduced and mitigated be,
All who know thee say this
and profess your devotees.
Recover what is lost,
Break the captive free,
Calm and gentle waters,
Replace calamity.
By your intercession
Error, illness, death all flee,
Weakness strong is made
And health will visit me.
Recover what is lost,
Break the captive free,
Calm and gentle waters,
Replace calamity.
Glory be to the Father
And the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Recover what is lost,
Break the captive free,
Calm and gentle waters,
Replace calamity.
Pray for us, O Blessed St. Anthony, So that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let us Pray:
O God, who by the intercession of the Your confessor, St. Anthony, fill Thy Church with joy so that we may always be protected and strengthened by Thy spiritual aid, and may we reach eternal joy with Thee. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who lives and reigns forever. Amen.
For a long time, I have waited for you. I have waited because I know your needs and I know that you desire to obtain help from the Lord God through my intercession. I am ready to help you, sincerely tell me your needs, open your heart to me with all its afflictions and supplications. I will pour out about your heart a drop of heavenly balm to cure your wounds, heal the things that ail you and make your pain disappear.
My dear friend! How many adversities, tribulations and needs of both body and soul are part of your life? Is it not true that you bring these things to me to obtain my help and bring the matter to a happy end? To bring a loved one back to the Faith? To succeed in that lawsuit? To find that lost item? To recover your reputation? To recuperate lost funds? To prevent that evil that threatens you? To obtain the thing that you need? To restore peace in your family? To help that soul that has lost their way? To obtain true contrition for your sins, or for the sins of another? To overcome an addiction? To obtain a certain virtue? To be free from sin, or to obtain freedom from sin for another? To obtain relief, and release the soul of a loved one from Purgatory?
Show me with total confidence, my child, your wishes and desires. I am quick to answer your prayers, as long as they are according to God’s will and not against your own spiritual good. But in exchange for my generous protection and assistance, I ask of you a significant show of gratitude. If you wish for me to help you often, be more assiduous in your reception of the Holy Sacraments of the Catholic Faith, be more devoted to the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ and to our most loving Mother Mary, be a lover of the poor and the souls in Purgatory. For it is known that I deny nothing to those who provide material assistance to the former or spiritual assistance to the latter.
My beloved child, you must be willing and determined to be a good Christian and to follow the vocation that Our Divine Lord has given to you no matter where it leads nor what it entails.
Wondrous St. Anthony, glorious for the fame of your miracles, you had the happiness of receiving in your arms our blessed Lord as a little child. Obtain for me from His mercy this favor that I desire from the bottom of my heart:
(mention your intention)
Since you were so gracious to poor sinners, do not regard my lack of merit as I call upon you, but consider the glory of God, which will be exalted once more through you, by the salvation of my soul and the granting of the petition that I now earnestly present to you.
As a pledge of my gratitude, I beg you to accept my promise to live henceforth more faithfully according to the teaching of the Gospel and to be devoted to the service of the poor whom you ever loved and still love so much. Bless this my resolution and obtain for me the grace to be faithful to it till death. Amen
O Holy St. Anthony, gentlest of Saints, your love for God and charity for His creatures made you worthy even on earth to possess miraculous powers. Miracles waited on your word which you were ever ready to speak for those in trouble or anxiety. Encouraged by this thought, I implore you to obtain for me my request:
(mention your intention)
The answer to my prayer may require a miracle; even so, you are the Saint of miracles. O gentle and loving St. Anthony, whose heart is ever full of human sympathy, whisper my petition into the ears of the sweet Infant Jesus, Who loved to be enfolded in your arms, and the gratitude of my heart will be ever yours. Amen.